10 best customer feedback software to explode your conversion rate (2021)!

customer feedback software

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Nowadays, everyone wants to be an entrepreneur and have his very own business and website. But there is no point in having a website if you are not getting the customer from it. If your website is not converting, it’s of no use, frankly. So how do you find out what is wrong and why people do not like your product so you can fix it and improve the bounce rate of your website?

Today, we will discuss customer feedback software and tools and how you can use them to increase your website’s conversation rate and find out your customers’ pain points.

What is customer feedback software?

These survey software often called as customer feedback tools are a starting point to understand which elements can be improved simply by means of mouse and click behaviour. They answer some of the most burning questions which you might have regarding your business.  

  1. How many visitors visit your website?
  2. Where and how do they enter?
  3. Why do they leave? 
  4. What they did while on the page?
  5. Which product you should make next? 
  6. How to improve your current offering?
  7. Which bugs they face on your website?

The user feedbacks provided allow you to know if the consumer’s experience for the page was good or bad.

There are 5 types of customer feedback tools –

  • i) Website VoC ( Voice of customer) surveying tool.
  • ii) Community feedback tool
  • iii) Visual Feedback tool
  • iv) Product Reviews Software’s and tools for E-commerce websites.
  • v) Online Market survey tools

1.What is a website VoC ( Voice of customer) surveying tool?

VoC ( Voice of customer) tools focus on the feedback on the website and focuses on the experience the users had with the website. Such a customer feedback tool allows the users to express their feedback without getting interrupted.

It provides in the moment feedback i.e., when a user encounters a problem, the form turns up. It gets triggered on behaviours like; certain click paths, exit behaviour such on certain pages.

The form consists of smileys, star ratings, multiple choice categories and an open comment feature. The best part of it is that it allows the users to suggestion changes and we can then modify our page according to the most common majority response.

The best part of it is that it allows the users to suggestion changes and we can then modify our page according to the most common majority response.

Best Website VoC ( Voice of customer) surveying tools for 2021
A) Feedbackify 

It allows users to easily create feedback forms themselves. Easy installation is a key feature. Your visitors can provide a rating as well as submit comments. You can view all feedback received in real time as well as filter it out with the categories you prefer.


B) Verint ForeSee 

It allows you to track customer experience in an automated manner, it offers various features like consumer-initiated surveys, heat maps, text analytics and product reviews. Great for benchmarking and competitor data.

2. What is Community feedback tool? 

These tools are much closer to customer service, also knows as feedback forums. The feedback from your website is collected then released in public form or in the community for everybody else to vote for the idea, suggest changes and indicate problems they might have encountered while using it. The only downside to this is that everything now comes out in the open. But crowdsourcing is an increasingly popular tool nowadays. 

The Best Customer Feedback software for 2021 
A) UserVoice 

This tool works more on a voting concept for new features for any website/app. Any visitor can give their input without the need to register. “Search-as-you-type” feature allows you to see if another visitor experienced the same problem. Additional features of forum moderation and management are present.

B) UseEcho

 Its offers a support system solution including feedback, forum for discussion, knowledge base, helpdesk and a live chat feature. A voting idea similar to that of UserVoice, it charges a licence price per agent.


3. Use Visual Feedback Tools to gather Customer feedback and fix bugs on your website!

These visual feedback software enable visitors to provide feedback in a mock up as well as in a live online environment. The visitor will be able to click a specific item – an image or a button and leave a review for that part itself.

The feedback is received as a screenshot through email. These tools also help in finding bugs in your website and resolving the issue with your team. Such a tool vastly improves response rates on finding a bug on your website.

Best  visual feedback feedback tools to gather Customer feedback in 2021
A) Usersnap 

A visual feedback tool used by web developers and designers. It can by run through the means of a JavaScript. Make notes, add comments and mark elements of importance. The visual feedback is received via a screenshot.


B) Marker.io

This is a visual bug reporting tool which helps you prepare a report on the visual faults in seconds. It uses internal testers for both clients and back-end users to submit an optimised visual feedback in the easiest way. It’s preferred by most designers, developers and product managers.

On-site bug reporting, quick screenshots, annotations and automatic addition of environment data makes it one of the best in the business.

4. Use Product Review Software to gain trust among your customer and boost sales

Product reviews software or customer feedback software allows e-commerce stores to publish reviews of products on their websites for the purpose of gaining customer trust and improving the e-commerce business experience.

E-commerce or Product review software and tools help to gain the trust of potential customers based on internet sales. The influence of these webshop reviews is now a big influence on the purchase methods of consumers.

The google stars shown on google AdWords is one such example.

The software runs on-site on product pages in order to show several reviews based on the products. Along with the ability to engage differently in comments and likes; as well as the possibility to share the reviews on social media platforms.

Best product review software for e-commerce websites in 2021 
A) TrustPilot

A trusted provider of review software. Trust Pilot has a global reach. It helps unload an email list after which consumers can also be invited to give online reviews of any further application / website. Trust pilot is rated as one of the best customer feedback software for e-commerce websites.

It collects customer feedback shows all the reviews directly in their public review community. You can also check your progress of reviews and your response to it in a protected environment.


B) KiyOh 

A very favoured customer feedback tool, it offers much cheaper options as compared to TrustPilot. It focuses on ratings and reviews and includes alerts as well for latest reviews. Response to the reviews can be made in a hassle-free manner as well.

5. Use Online market survey tools to gather feedback from the market before launching a new product

These customer feedback software are used in order to get in contact with the audience and trace the owner of the feedback. It is useful to conduct market research and to measure customers feel and employee satisfaction as well.

Which online Market survey tool is the best in 2021?
A) SurveyMonkey 

SurveyMoney is a customer feedback software mainly popular among students, this tool asks different types of questions and has a friendly free version as well. With the tool, you can adjust the look and feel of the surveys and ask the respondents for suggestions all through a click.


B) Alchemer 

The customer feedback software offers similar options as SurveyMonkey to invite respondents and to adjust the design. The design is much more aesthetically pleasing than the survey itself.

Collect Customer Data Now to boost your website conversion rate! 


Thus summing up, adding a customer feedback survey component to your product marketing strategy can be the difference between a fail product and a super successful product. In this competitive age, to make your business survive, your product or service must solve people problem and offer top notch customer support.

And customer feedback tool gives you that edge to know what exactly people problems are and how your product can solve them. Always remember if you don’t solve them, there will be someone else solving it and stealing all your customers.

Knowledge about your customer base in this digital marketing age will differentiate you from your competition. A customer feedback system is a perfect way to engage with your audience! Democracy is the king!

cheer to democracy

Sagar Mondal

Sagar Mondal

I have been an entrepreneur for the last 5 years. Apart from being the Founder & Growth Head of SquashCode, I'm working as a Digital Marketing Consultant with multiple groups of companies across India, UK & SEA.Working with 173+ clients taught me one of the most valuable lessons of business "Nothing matters more than ROI". And that's what I focus on the most - delivering upto 8x ROAS on your digital spend.

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